Saturday, November 10, 2007

Signing On

This blogging is new to me. I thought that it would be nice to share my artwork, references and insights with the world at large and with some friends who have been wondering what I have been up to. Currently, as you can see from the photos, my world is very black and white. I had an idea that I started at 8"x8" and it is now 6'x6'. I just couldn't let it go. It began last year during the winter, when I was looking out my back window. This deer was staring right back at me. I just had to take pictures, which I do quite often, almost daily. The more I looked at the photos, the more the deer intrigued me and I wanted to portray her in the way that I think she sees herself, "Maybe if I stand very, very still, these humans won't notice me.....blend.....blend...."

What you see in the photos is 87.5 hours of design and painting (acrylic on canvas) over many months. I have done other projects in the interim, mainly because eyes can only take so much of the harsh black and white and also I have needed to create artwork for the various shows that I am in over the holidays. My plan is to complete this by the end of the year, which means that I better get painting. I figure that I have approximately 65-70 more hours to go. I also figured that if I started a blog possibly others may be expecting it from me as least a couple of my close friends will possibly be following.

Anyway, check in every once and a while. Hopefully, you will be pleasantly surprised by my progress. I also have one more design complete for the next 3'x3' canvas and am working on a 4'x4' design. In the next canvas, I am not going to tell you what it is that I am painting. You will have to guess as things progress! That should be fun. I am planning on a whole series of these and am looking forward to my show in, say, 2012!


Paula said...

This is creative genius! I love your interpretation of the deer's thoughts... " blend... blend...". I am looking forward to watching this series unfold. You know I'll be checking in trying to ID the subject first... how fun! Thank you for sharing the process with us!

shey art said...

Creative Genius! I love that. It takes one to know one! Your work is amazing as well. Thanks for your support as I go through this process. I truly look forward to seeing comments and will be posting more frequently this time of year.